Ladislav OLIVA

(* 1933)


He studied at the VSUP in Prague by Prof Kaplický. In 1957-1964 he was artist in n.p Borske glass in New Bor, 1964-1969 he worked in Bohemia glassworks in Poděbrady.

Oliva was talented artist. During his studies he drew attention to himself by massive plates with strong sanding. Later he received a medal for more complex designs at the Triennial in Milan in 1960. Oliva often comes out from simple shapes which he completes by decor. He worked mainly with lead crystal. At the beginning of the 60s he got to the pressed glass.

Noble press was a new category of pressed lead crystal, which Oliva had in charge. Lead crystal almost did not differ from the cut crystal in appearance. His molded jardinière were appreciated but never get to mass production. Pressing of the lead crystal carried technological imperfections, because of which mass production was abandoned.

He raised the pressed glass to the highest level possible.

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